dinsdag 9 juni 2009


Not unlike the way the juices of the fermented mixture of wheat, soybeans and aspergillus [see picture 1.1] are squeezed out of 2.8 KM long sacks in the hearts of Kikkoman factories, has my body depleted itself of its energy resources. today was a<long>, although enjoyable, day, filled with soysauce-flavored icecream, awesom mascottes that weren't for sale, demon books (which my female classmates seemed to appreciate greatly), [picture 1.2/1.3], and questionable spelling [1.4].Summa summarum, We went to Kikkoman.

other random pictures (this will be the staple of future posts, atleast until classes last, which should be another 3 weeks or so).

song of the day: Silent hill 0 OST: O.R.T

1 opmerking:

  1. WHERE did you see that Rilakkuma and why didn't you show me the pictuuuuuuure (;___ ;)

    We only read the book so that you couldn't do any evil things with it...
