dinsdag 28 april 2009

2th Japan post

Those 'few days' mentioned in the last post were not so few as I had anticipated, but here's a post for those of you still (foolishly :p) reading this blog.
The last couple of days were pretty nice, considering we did not have to go to class on tuesday and wednesday :> something to do with a queen and a birthday. For this very occasion we went to the Dutch embassy in Tokyo, which turned out to be a gathering of the sort I was happy to have left behind :) so I didn't stay too long, luckily for me Els decided to leave early as well and we went to the Animate in Ikebukuro, which was :DDDDD

Yesterday we went to Nakano to look for some obscure manga for Ho-ling and Marit. I wanted to by some stuff as well, but I really concluded i should first finish the readstuffs I have bought allready.

Today I went to a mountain (i forgot the name, but it's an hour by train from Shinjuku) with Ho-ling and Marit to look at birds and just for the sheer fun of it. Normally I'm not much of a walker, or any kind of physical excorsice-er, but today's hike was real fun. I particularly enjoyed the fresh air :> which is something that inner Tokyo sort of doesn't have.

I'm going to get ready to go to a concert I have reported earlier on, and it should be a lot of fun :D so more on that later.

ps. For those of you interested in Yanagisawa-san, much to my dismay I'm sorry to inform that she made clear she'll 'literaly' brutally and savagely kill whoever posts any pictures of her online.

instant update: the concert was a lot of fun :DD, my ratings:

deluhi: they were awesum :D i'm happy they played Orion. rating ->8
Sel'm: they were very different from last time, but still great :D and the drummer is insane. rating 8,5
Heidi: I was expecting a lot :O luckily my expectations were met, but they seemed to play waaay too short. rating->8
Dueljewel: D: no fun at all. I'd much rather have seen any of the other bands in their stead. rating-> F
Lynch: very much like i had expected them to be :D i bought their CD afterwards! rating->9

loot: deluhi-shirt+lynch CD
update 2: some pictures from the whole mountain experience:

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hai Ben,

    Ik ben zeer benieuwd naar Yanagisawa-san. Mogelijk dat je toch een foto kan bemachtigen en doorsturen!!
    Als je terug bent in Nederland gaan wij ook eens een berg beklimmen!! Anja weet er nog wel een paar in Limburg!
    Veel plezier bij het concert.


  2. He Ben,

    Mooie foto's als ik in Japan ben wil ik daar ook wel naar toe!


  3. uwaaaa pretty!! Echt bizar dat maar een uurtje uit de stad alles er zo anders uit ziet.
